You may be asking yourself “which diet should I follow?” The gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free diet, right? Should I follow the Palm Beach Diet? The South Beach Diet? Atkins? Paleo? The Baby Food Diet? The Grapefruit Diet? The Ice Cream Diet? A juice cleanse? Go vegan, vegetarian, be a raw foodist?
My advice is not to follow any of the above diets or gimmicks, but instead pull wisdom from the good parts of each of them. Balanced eating—with enough protein, fat and good carbs at each meal and a carefully chosen daily snack—should be your main focus. Always emphasize eating nutrient-dense and, ideally, organic foods. It’s not so much that gluten, wheat or dairy is the problem, but rather that the origin, quality and processing of them as well as the strength of your digestive system to break them down are utterly important. Properly prepared and/or properly grown foods matter greatly. Strive to eat the best version of everything in just the right balance to trigger weight loss and facilitate true health. When you eat the right foods, in the right balance, at the right times and in the right amounts, your energy will stop spiking and crashing, your metabolism will speed up and your body will thank you.
My previous clients have called this their last diet. Because it worked.
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